Legejobb.no - a site with information that you can use

We have ambitions with this site. Here you will find information that you can use in your daily work. We will do a job for you. Go through a lot of news. Check what might be of value. Find news from suppliers and other partners that you should know about.

Information logistics is the keyword

It is better that one or more physicians go through news and other material appearing daily, making selections and publish it on one site than 7,500 doctors doing the same. The more selective this material is chosen for this target group, the more time you and other doctors will be able to use on your primary function, patient care.

The website Legejobb.no will be combined with the newsletter Ukeslutt

legejobb.no and the newsletter Ukeslutt that will be sent regularly as e-mails to you and others who want information, will work together. Ukeslutt will make you aware of the most important news. You will receive it by e-mail. Then go to www.legejobb.no to read more or go directly to the source of the news.

Sign up to receive the newsletter Ukeslutt

It is important to keep up with important information - legejobb.no and Ukeslutt will contribute with what we know all about - information logistics. SIGN UP
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